Unlocking the science of reading with Edsoma CEO Kyle Wallgren
Welcome to this special episode of the EdTech Startup Showcase, part of our National Literacy Month series of podcasts, presented in partnership between the Be Podcast Network and Reading Is Fundamental (RIF).
Our guest today is Kyle Wallgren, a startup coach, investor, and CEO of Edsoma, whose AI-powered app unlocks the science of reading.
Hear about:
- Kyle’s entrepreneurial background and motivation to make an impact in education
- How Edsoma works and the challenges it addresses for students, parents, and educators
- What makes Edsoma unique and the latest exciting developments, including investment from Shaquille O’Neal
- Insights for other founders in the edtech space
About today’s host
Ross Romano is a co-founder of the BE Podcast Network and CEO of September Strategies, a coaching and consulting firm that helps organizations and high-performing leaders in the K-12 education industry communicate their vision and make strategic decisions that lead to long-term success. Connect on Twitter @RossBRomano or https://www.linkedin.com/in/rossromano
Listen to his other shows:
- The Authority — deep-dive interviews with the leading minds in leadership, management, education, and personal development.
- Sideline Sessions — conversations with successful coaches and performance experts from professional, collegiate, and youth sports.