Pedagogy.Cloud | AI in Education
We’re educators navigating the next era of teaching & learning. 🎤 Webinars 📚 PD Options 🧰 Class Tools 💌 Follow us for tips & tricks for your classroom!
Appears in 4 Episodes
Leveraging AI for Curriculum and Instruction with Nina Bamberg
In this episode, you’ll hear insights on valuable applications of AI for teachers. Find out how to use AI tools to create better assignments, enhance students’ critica...

AI and our sustained curiosity about the bright future of education with Priten Shah and Aatash Parikh
In this exciting and idea-packed episode, we catch up with Priten Shah and Aatash Parikh, two of our edtech founders who are also innovative thinkers on artificial int...

Aidan Kestigian, Harvard philosophy fellow and ThinkerAnalytix VP, on using AI to improve information literacy and argument formation
In this episode, Aidan Kestigian, a visiting fellow in the Department of Philosophy at Harvard University and the Vice President of Operations and Curriculum for Think...

Pedagog.ai founder Priten Shah on transforming teaching and learning with artificial intelligence
Priten Shah, the founder and CEO of Pedagogy.Cloud and Pedagog.ai, is our guest for the episode. Discussing the rise of artificial intelligence in education, Priten em...